Legion of Mary active members serve with spiritual guidance and support from the weekly meetings. Below is a summary of “Chapter 37: Suggestions as to Works” pp. 231-260 (This document is available for download below)
1. Apostolate in the parish:
a. Visitation of the homes of the people
b. Conducting para-liturgical services on Sundays and holydays of obligation in places where there is no priest available (e.g. nursing homes)
c. Conducting religious instruction classes
d. Visitation and care of the handicapped, the sick and the old
e. Recitation (leading/organizing) of the rosary at wakes and funerals
f. Promotion of Catholic Associations and Parish Societies by recruiting new members and encouraging existing members to persevere
g. Collaboration in every apostolic and missionary undertaking sponsored by the parish
2. Visitation of the Homes of the people (“door to door”)
3. Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the Homes
4. The Making of the Parish Census
5. Visitation of Hospitals, including Psychiatric Hospitals
6. Work for the Most Wretched and Dejected of the Population
7. Works for the Young
a. Children’s Mass attendance
b. Visitation of the homes of children
c. Teaching Christian Doctrine to children
d. The non-Catholic or State school
e. Sodalities for the young
f. The conducting of children’s clubs, Boy Scout and Girl Guide Troops, J.O.C. units,Sewing Classes, branches of the Holy Childhood, etc.
g. A Legionary youth formula (running a youth group)
8. The Book-Barrow
9. Crowd Contact
10. Mission to the Catholic Domestic Worker
11. Work for Armed Services Personnel and People on the Move
12. The Dissemination of Catholic Literature
13. Promoting the Practice of Daily Mass and Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament
14. The Recruiting and After-care of Auxiliaries
15. Work for the Missions
16. Promoting Retreats
17. Pioneer Total Abstinence Association of the Sacred Heart
18. Each Place has its own Special Needs
For members under 18 years of age, Chapter 36 Praesidia Requiring Special Mention, 1. Junior Praesidia, 8. Suggestions for the work, page 224:
a) Distribution of the miraculous medal
b) Winning of auxiliary members
c) Endeavoring to have at least one additional person every week undertake a devotion or service
d) Bringing of young children to Holy Mass and the Sacraments.
e) Serving Mass
f) Teaching the Catechism and recruiting for catechism classes.
g) Visitation of children in a hospital or other institution, or in their own homes.
h) Visitation of the inform and the blind and the performing for them of all sorts of needed
services. (e.g. nursing home, assisted living)
Page 225 – “9. It is most strongly urged that every junior praesidium should have at least two
members on each of the three last-named works, that is, (f), (g), (h).”